Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Where are you Mr. Sun?

I miss the sun. And more importantly, my plants are desperately missing the sun.


  1. I think we're all feeling that way! But thank goodness for an occasional reminder that we may have sunny days ahead!

  2. Amy, I hope you don't mind me sneaking a peak at your blog. You are so cute and I can already tell that I'm going to love your blog. I love the comment you made a couple of posts down about your loving your mom and that she's cool and that you want to be like her. I couldn't agree more, in fact, I think the same about my own mom. How did we get so lucky? Love ya!

  3. Cindy- you are most welcome to 'sneak a peak' :) You are right, we both got super lucky in the mom department! Love you too! Tell the fam hi!
