As part of my yard appeal, I have just begun re-doing some old old old old old chairs and a fun little table. These pieces were found by my hubby and m.i.l. in some old old old old old abandoned houses. I screamed with delight at the hidden potential and made a list of jobs I had to complete for Flint before I could start my newest project. Well, all my tasks have been checked off and today I tackled chair nĂºmero uno. Once I get the other chair and the table done, they will be living happily on my porch :)
(The before picture clearly explains the 'shabby' in the phrase 'shabby chic')AFTER:
(And now you understand where 'chic' comes in!)
PS: Wouldn't a super chic cushion just add SO much??? Yes, I thought so too! Looks like I'll be breaking out the sewing machine!
Good for you, girl! I can just see you and Flint out on the porch in your red chairs with a lemonade pitcher and glasses on the table! Enjoy!