Monday, October 17, 2011

Garden Gone

Saturday we pulled the final tomato plants from the ground and officially called the garden 'quits' for the year. It was definitely a sad day. This garden has brought me so much joy. I don't exaggerate when I say that it was the best part of my summer.

My top five six favorite aspects of the garden (in no particular order) :
- The adorable chicken proof fence
- Deliciously sweet cobs of corn for dinner
- Digging potatoes - can you say treasure hunt?!
- Watering my little plants each day - aka personal mediation time
- Freakin' amazing tomato plants that out-produced my wildest dreams
- Turning a dirty, leave-collecting, abandoned plot into something green, productive and beautiful 

So long, dear garden, til next year!


  1. How bittersweet! Sounds like it was a great experience for you. I'm so glad. I always catch myself thinking "What is the point in having a garden?" But I have to remind myself that a garden is more than squash and zucchini (which I dislike). It is potatoes and corn and carrots - all of which I love! You have inspired me. Next year...

  2. You can do it Shantel! If nothing else, plant potatoes. They were really really easy (very low maintenance) and SO rewarding! I am definitely not big on squash or zucchini either, so I wasn't too broke up when my zucchini plant didn't do that great :) Thanks for the comment!
